Dec 5, 2007

Quote from Negoponte

Nicholas Negroponte from the One Laptop Per Child project recently said:

"In fact, one of the saddest but most common conditions in elementary school computer labs (when they exist in the developing world), is the children are being trained to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint," Negroponte wrote in an e-mail interview. "I consider that criminal, because children should be making things, communicating, exploring, sharing, not running office automation tools."

We couldn't agree more. However, it is not just the "developing" world! See the whole article here.

Conference Appearances

Canvastic was recently at the ACTEM conference in Maine, the SCEAT in South Carolina and the LACUE in Louisiana.

Coming up:
METC - St. Louis, MO
UCET - Salt Lake City, UT
MEC AZ - Tempe, AZ
KTLC - Louisville, KY
NETA - Omaha, NE

Stop by the booth for a demo and a free single license.

Pilot Offer for 2 Months

Schools can try Canvastic everywhere with everyone. Just call 877-579-8207 to set up a timed trial that can be up to 2 months long. Install it anywhere. It's easy and only takes a few minutes. You can register the downloaded demo copy.

But beware, schools that try it end up buying it.